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ISO 31000:2018:

What is ISO 31000:2018

Manage your organization’s risks effectively in a world of uncertainties.

As risk landscapes evolve, organizations have to be adaptable in the face of the dynamic context and extensiveness of risks. Identifying and properly assessing risks is more important than ever in order to understand relevant needs and build resilience and operate more sustainably in the Environmental-Social-Governance domain, for example.

Effective risk management enables you to perform well in an context of uncertainty and helps build sustainable business performance over time. A structured approach ensures that you are proactive rather than reactive in your efforts to protect your key assets.


Operating a business with a management system that leverages on a structured and robust Risk Management framework will enable your organization to:

  • Increase the likelihood of achieving its objectives.
  • Comply with the relevant legal and regulatory requirements and international standards.
  • Improve:
    • controls and governance.
    • identification of opportunities and threats.
    • organizational resilience.
    • operational efficiency.
    • incident management and loss prevention.
    • stakeholder confidence and trust.